Arturo Fuente
Arturo Fuente
At this point in time, the Arturo Fuente cigar brand is over 100 years old. Just imagine that. An entire century of legacy and success, and I don’t think Arturo Fuente cigars will be going anywhere, anytime soon. When they first began in 1912, no one imagined that they’d become a worldwide household name. But now, four generations of Fuentes, countless 90+ ratings, and a massive sea of fans later, Arturo Fuente has established themselves as an absolutely unstoppable force in the cigar industry.
If you’ve never had an Arturo Fuente cigar, they’re known for their high levels of consistency and their smooth, naturally sweet tobacco blends. The Hemingway series, one of their most popular lines, is a great place to start. Each cigar is aged for six months before release to fully enhance the flavor and aroma, making an unforgettable experience. If you’re seeking the best of the best, you can’t do better than Fuente Fuente OpusX Lost City. These handmade ultra-premiums are released in small batches of extremely limited quantities, so don’t delay. Today, the Arturo Fuente Cigar Company is located in West Tampa, Florida, with their cigars being produced in the Dominican Republic.